Monday, December 9, 2013

  Have you noticed that practically everyday a new story comes out in the media about the toxic side effects of living in a modern world? Chemical and heavy metal dangers seem to be lurking everywhere you turn in the 21 century. Pesticides coat much of our fresh food supply, chemical by-products from manufacturing are routinely dumped into our air and water, and mercury amalgam fillings in your teeth may be releasing mercury into your body with every bite of food you take.

  The seafood in our oceans are laden with heavy metals and mercury and pass these poisons up the food chain until potentially massive doses of both wind up on your dinner plate disguised as a health meal. Underground water supplies have been tainted by chemical and pesticide run off from from farms and factories.

  It doesn't take much imagination to see that you body too is under attack from environmental pollution every single day. You can seek to protect yourself and combat these hazard by eating foods that are free of pesticides and chemicals, but you simply cannot entirelly remove all sources of toxins from your environment. The damage to our world is just a wide-spread and pervasive. You have to take it upon yourself to take measures to protect yourself and your family from these toxic world, and one of the best natural sources for removing these toxic materials out of your body is an algae called "Chlorella".

  Chlorella is actually one of the most widely used supplements in Japan, where over 10 million people use it regularly. One of the reasons the Japanese value chlorella so highly is its natural detoxification abilities  Chlorella is a "green food", a single celled, micro-algae that is about two to ten microns in size.It's very small. It is this small size combined with its unique properties that make it such a useful detoxification tool. Its molecular structure, allows it to bond to metals, chemicals an pesticides.

  When chlorella is taken into your body, its natural action will bind it to lingering heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides found in your digestive tract which is your body's pathway to your bloodstream where these harmful toxins are delivered and deposited into your body's cells.

  So chlorella first and most will help your body eliminate unwanted metals and toxins. But it does more than that.

  Chlorella is uniquelly designed to not bind to the minerals your body naturally needs to function optimally. It does not bind to beneficial minerals like calcium, magnesium, or zinc. It is almost as if chlorella knows which metals belong into your body and which chemicals need to be removed. Supplementing with chlorella is like unleashing a tiny army inside your body to fight a battle of removing toxins from your tissues and ushering them back outside your body where they belong.

                                        The history of chlorella

   Chlorella is one of the most widely studied food supplements in the world. Aside from being the subject of medical research in the USA, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, England and Israel, chlorella has been extensively studied as afood source since it is made up of whopping 50 percent protein and is considered a complete amino acid-based food (complete protein).

  Even NASA has studied using chlorella as one of the first whole foods in space on the international space station.

  Studies in Japan, have shown chlorella may help reduce body fat percentage and may be useful in fighting obesity and weight related diabetes. Chlorella's cleansing action on your bowel and other elimination channels, as well as its protection of your liver, also helps promote clean blood. And clean blood helps assure that metabolic waste gets efficiently carried away from your tissues.

  Chlorella is such a powerful detoxifier because it is reach in chlorophyll which is known to;
- Aid you in processing more oxygen,
- Cleanse key elimination systems like your bowel, liver and blood.
- Help purify your blood and clean away toxins.
- Aid you in promoting optimal blood pressure.
- Support elimination of molds in your body.
- Help neutralize bad air you might breathe in.
- Promote growth and repair of your tissues.

  Chlorella is actually very useful even beyond detoxification, and its range of health benefits includes:
- Boosting your immune system.
- Improving your digestion especially if constipation is a problem.
- Providing B vitamins from an animal source.
- Enhancing your ability to focus and concentrate.
- Increasing your energy levels.
- Balancing your body's pH.
- Normalize your blood sugar and blood pressure.
- Reducing your cancer risk.
- Freshening your breath.

  Sometimes living in the modern world can feel like you are at war with the environment around you, and sources of pollution are often silent and unavoidable. Maintaining optimum wellness includes creating defensive mechanisms to fight back against these pervasive and unavoidable environmental assaults on your good health.

  By implementing a detoxification program of your body, you can help your body naturally remove the unwanted and harmful heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides you may unknowingly taken into your body. And lessening your toxic burden has been shown to improve many common health ailments, from lack of energy and insomnia, to sluggish digestion, lack of immune response and mental fatigue.

  In fact, almost everything inside your body, including all of your organs, function better with reduced loads of systemic toxins. And by removing the toxins now and not letting them accumulate to dangerous levels, you may be helping your body ward of such killers as cancer, diabetes and hypertension, along with all of the now too common Neurological disorders that may not manifest for decades to come.

 As every body know that, health is everything, you can not do anything if your health is in trouble. You can not go to farm! You can produce nothing.
09 Dec 2013


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